“The beauty of White Tantric Yoga is that it is subtle,
it is exalting and it works to give you the mastery of life”.
Yogi Bhajan
White Tantric Yoga is coming to Toronto on Saturday, May 2nd, 2015!
Join me for 4 Kundalini Yoga classes to prepare for the transformative day. These classes are for everyone, whether you are new to White Tantric Yoga or have completed many courses. Experience Kundalini Yoga kriyas to target specific areas of the body that challenge us, pranayam and meditations to help your mind be focused and one pointed. Learn how to get the most out of the day and the 40 days afterwards.
Date: April 15,22,29, May 6, 2015, 2:30-4:00pm
Location: Lotus Yoga Centre, 100 Harbord St, Toronto, 2nd floor, Harbord and Spadina, short walk from Spadina Subway
Pre Register and save: lotusyogacentre.com or contact Lotus – 647 678 2337
Single class $19 or use your class pass
Register for White Tantric here