It is hard to believe we have completed another year of Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training. For many years I have had the privilege to be part of the teaching team lead by Sat Dharam Kaur and every year I am blown away by the caliber of people becoming teachers, through this program. I have had the fortune to witness the transformation of these amazing people.

Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
I reflect back to when I went through the training program. I was dealing with a severe eczema-like condition all over my face and hands. At five o’clock in the morning I would have to wear sunglasses to protect the raw skin around my eyes. Some days I would hold my face and just cry because the pain was so much. Specialists just wanted to give me a cortisone cream, which I refused. I wanted to solve the problem not bury it deeper inside. Over the months of the course, the training awakened me to all aspects of my life, some I was prepared for and others I was not. I questioned my values and beliefs. I realized I was avoiding my problems rather than deal with them. I became a master at burying my emotions.
With the daily practice of kriyas and meditation I started to feel alive inside and that I had a purpose in this life. I went to a Kundalini Yoga Woman’s Camp in Vancouver to experience more deeply the yogic lifestyle. Not surprising, my condition started to clear up. So now I was hooked! I developed a daily spiritual discipline which continues to this day. I thrive on sharing the love and passion I feel for these sacred teachings which are so relevant for us today.
Congratulations to all the new teachers. Be the lighthouse, be the change you want to see. Sat Nam.
“You know what a teacher is? A chiseler, a polisher, a designer, whose touch can make an ordinary human the master of time and space.” Yogi Bhajan 1/10/97